Scheduled Play

Scheduled Play Chair
Madelyn Witt
Quail Creek Pickleball Club offers many types of scheduled play: Open Play, Wednesday Club Round Robins, Quail Creek Community Play, Organized Play Round Robins, Skill Level Play, QCPC League, QCPC tournaments and similar events.
If you have questions about activities or if you have an idea for an activity, contact Madelyn at
Scheduled Play Updates
Posted on CourtReserve. Login and scroll down the home page to Current Events and Reminders.​
Open Play
Drop-in play for QCPC members, their house guests, associate members, and prospective purchasers.
All player levels are welcome. No sign up is needed. The Paddle Saddle is used to rotate people onto courts for play.
When available, two levels of open play are provided: Novice (2.5)/Low Intermediate (3.0) and High Intermediate (3.5)/Advanced+ (4.0+).
Estimate Your Skill Level
USAPA Player Skill Rating Definitions
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CourtReserve under Events

Club Mixed Round Robin
Club organized round robin play for QCPC members.
All player levels are welcome. Sign up at the courts.
Round Robin sheets are used to rotate people for play. Members sign up at the courts before the scheduled play and are given a number for the round robin to play with different partners and against different players.
View days/times/courts on
CourtReserve under Events
Quail Creek
Community Play
Open play for all Quail Creek residents and guests. Players do not have to be QCPC members.
All player levels are welcome. No sign up is needed. The Paddle Saddle is used to rotate people onto courts for play.
View days/times/courts on
CourtReserve under Events

Organized Play
Round robin play organized by QCPC members for differentiated levels of play. Organized Play provides weekly round robins for QCPC members of approximately the same skill level (self-evaluated).
Players do not have to be rated at specified level. Sign up is required.
Members can participate in only one morning event per week and no more than two events per week total, regardless of starting time. So, members can participate in a morning event and one afternoon or evening event. Or, no morning event and two afternoon or evening events.
To organize a group, contact
Madelyn at
View days/times/courts and sign up to play on
CourtReserve under Events
Skill Level Play
Round robin play organized by QCPC members for differentiated levels of play. Skill Level Play provides weekly round robins for QCPC members of the same USAP or IPTPA skill level.
Players must have USAP or IPTPA rating at specified level. Sign up is required.
To organize a skill level group, submit the following application to the Scheduled Play Chair, Madelyn Witt at
Application for Skill Level Round Robin
View days/times/courts and sign up to play on
CourtReserve under Events
Competitive Doubles Ladder Play
Weekly doubles play using a ladder format.
Fridays from 4-6 PM.
Players arrange their own partners (M-M, M-F, or F-F) in advance. Six games will be played with the same partner in a friendly competitive environment. If you win, you move up a court. If you lose, you move down a court. Players may change partners each week and/or may skip weeks.
As play progresses, pairs will naturally migrate to courts with appropriately challenging opponents. For most pairs, this will provide a great opportunity to test themselves by “playing up.” One team will finish the evening as “King of the Hill.”
Mid-3.0 to 4.0 players. Ratings are not required. For this to work well, 3.0 pairs should at least be reasonably strong 3.0 players. We expect to have some 4.0 players there every week.
The ladder format is used by many pickleball clubs, and it’s very popular. Also, many QCPC members tell us that they would like opportunities to play better players. Others want to participate in competitive play without joining a league. APPL players can use this to practice for matches.
Limited to Twelve Doubles Pairs—Sign-up Is Required
Limited to first 12 pairs (M-F, M-M, F-F). ONE PARTNER (and only one) MUST REGISTER on CourtReserve for each doubles pair. Look for the “Competitive Doubles Paddle Battle” under “Events.”
The Paddle Battle requires an even number of doubles pairs. If an odd number of pairs register to play, the last registered pair is not guaranteed to play.

Club Socials​
The QCPC Socials are open for all QCPC members of all skill levels to participate in. The goal of the Socials and all QCPC events is to have a fun, safe event.
QCPC Socials are offered 6–7 times a year, with all courts used for round-robin play. The round-robins consist of six 15-minute games, with players expected to play all six games. The goal is to have a good time while still trying to play your best. Because of the difference in skill levels, everyone is reminded at the start of play to be aware of whom they are playing with and against so that everyone has fun.
The socials are generally ‘themed’ events. Participants are encouraged to get in the spirit and wear clothing that fits the theme. Food is a main focus of the socials, allowing players and non-players to hang out after play and get to know each other better. Some socials have potluck lunches, with players signing up to bring food. Other times, pizza or subs are ordered, with players paying $5-$10 to cover costs. Desserts and music are vital to a successful social and there is always an abundance of both. In addition to pickleball play and food, there are drawings for prizes.