Welcome New Members!
Dennis Triano
Marlene Dattilo

Monday Night Football Social
November 18th
QCPC invites members (significant others also welcome) to the new ramada and lower courts for a fun night of pickleball and NFL Football on November 18th. The Monday night game between the Houston Texans and Dallas Cowboys will be shown on the big TV. Courts will be reserved for Open Play pickleball (Women, Men, and Mixed) from 5:30-8:30 PM. The football game starts at 6:15 PM.
Whether you want to play, socialize with friends, or both, come on down and cheer for your favorite team. Bring your favorite beverages and snacks and perhaps a lawn chair to ensure seating for all.
No signup needed.
Just come and have fun!

Due to the POA’s policy regarding electronically signed documents, the POA is requiring QCPC to obtain hand-signed waiver forms from all members who joined QCPC in the last year. QCPC must provide the signed forms to the POA as soon as possible.
If you first joined QCPC on or after December 1, 2023, you should have received an important email with instructions to complete and return the waiver forms required by the POA. Please respond ASAP.
QCPC will forward the completed waivers to the POA upon receipt. Regrettably, QCPC will be required to suspend club memberships for all members lacking waiver forms acceptable to the POA.
Thank you for your cooperation. We apologize for any inconvenience this requirement may cause.

QCPC Winter League
Need Four Volunteers for Organizing Committee!
NOW is the time to get things rolling for winter league play (to begin in January)! We’ll have a QCPC Winter League again if we can get a minimum of four volunteers for the Winter League Organizing Committee.
Committee members do not need prior QCPC league experience. QCPC members have experience with league play, so we don’t need to “reinvent the wheel.” League rules and scoresheets are available. The Committee will likely need to meet just twice to decide the divisions and skill levels to have.
What is League Play?
League Play is team play. Play is competitive but social. Each team elects a team captain/co-captain. Teams will square off against opponents in weekly matches (six games per court). The match winner is determined using the Arizona Pickleball Players League system.
Well over 150 QCPC members have played in prior QCPC leagues. League play is a lot of fun, so it’s worth doing again--and definitely worth trying if you’ve never played on a pickleball team before.
Let’s have a Winter League again this year! To ensure another league season, contact scheduledplayqcpc@gmail.com by Wednesday, November 20th to join the Organizing Committee. The first meeting will be on Friday, November 22nd.

Winter Pickleballs
If you have played pickleball in the winter, you know how quickly Franklin X pickleballs crack when the temperature drops - and that's a big expense for QCPC. Fortunately, pickleball technology is improving every year. There are new high performance balls that, according to tests and reviews, are more durable in cold weather. The Selkirk Pro S1 pickleball is one of them. So, all QCPC ball tubes will be stocked with Selkirk balls by the middle of this month. These are premium balls that can be used at any temperature. You will not need to switch to Onix balls (the ones in the white ball tubes) when the temperature falls below 50 degrees. As always, please put all balls back in the tubes when you are done playing to keep them out of the sun.

Thank you Denny!
Denny Huber, a member of the Quail Creek Woodcrafters Club, was presented with a gift card from QCPC President Dave Mungo and QCPC Maintenance Team member Bill Foraker for his great help in making ball tubes for the new pickleball courts.

Player Development
Beginning the first week of November, Player Development is fully open for business! Sign ups are required for all sessions. Check CourtReserve/Events for courts and starting times.
Intro to Pickleball with Tom Dean on Mondays and Thursdays.
2.0 drills with Kathy Vollink and her team on Wednesdays.
2.0 Assisted Play with Susie Eckhardt, Joyce Butler and their team on Tuesdays.
2.5 Assisted Play with Kathy Vollink and her team on Tuesdays.
3.0/3.5 Clinic with Michelle Skoglund and her team on the second and fourth Tuesdays.
3.5 Advanced Ladder 2-Person Team Play coached by a team of talented coaches on the second and fourth Fridays.
4.0 Advanced Ladder 2-Person Team Play coached by some of the best pickleball players in Quail Creek on the first and third Fridays.
GQ Pickleball lessons and clinics for 2.0 through 3.5 level players taught by, who else, Gary Quantz.
Weaponize Your Serve
A good serve helps win games. Either by scoring points because of a failed return, or by gaining a competitive advantage because of a weak return. The video above is for players with a reliable, consistent serve who are looking to weaponize it. Safety first. Always practice and play within your capabilities. This video is provided for informational purposes. QCPC does not endorse any product or service displayed or promoted.
2.0 Beginner Drills with Kathy V.
November 6th through April
You must have participated in the Introduction to Pickleball and be a member of QCPC.
Drills are available on Wednesdays from 10-noon P.M. Due to the demand for this class, if you are unable to attend class, please delete your name so others may sign up. You DO need to sign up each week.
Please arrive ready to start promptly at 10:00.
I stress safety and proper footwork. You will work on serves, return of serves, dinking and drives. We also drill drop, overhead, punch, block, and lob shots. You will begin to learn the strategy for each shot, learning to move and communicate with your partner and scoring.
Wear a name badge if you have one. You may order one on the website.
Besides your paddle, a hat, water bottle, eye protection and court shoes are highly encouraged.
Please make sure your email address is current in the pickleball membership. If for some reason, class needs to be cancelled, I need to be able to reach you.
Week one is almost complete and thanks to all who turned out for my first week of classes! If you want to enroll in one of my weekly classes, signup on Court Reserve website (2.0, 2.5, 3.0, & 3.5 classes available). Also, Kathy Palese returns starting on Nov. 13th (3.0 Level) and Nov. 21st (3.5 Level) to conduct her special clinics – you don’t want to miss out!
Classes offered weekly / Levels: 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, & 3.5. Signup on COURTRESERVE (first come, first serve)
Cost: $15 pp / Class Length: 90-minutes / Courts: TBA / Class Size: 8 students max / Times: 10am to 11:30am and/or 12noon to 1:30pm.
Regular Class Schedule for November & December 2024:
2.5 LEVEL = (MONDAYS) – Nov. 4, 11, 18, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 30
2.0 LEVEL = (TUESDAYS) – Nov. 5, 12, 19, Dec. 3, 10, 17
3.0 LEVEL = (WEDNESDAYS) – Nov. 6, 20, Dec. 4, 18 (FRIDAYS) – Nov. 15, Dec. 13
3.5 LEVEL = (THURSDAYS) – Nov. 7, 14, Dec. 5, 12, (FRIDAYS) – Nov. 22, Dec. 20
(There will be weekly breaks for both Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays)
Kathy Palese (SNAP PICKLEBALL) will once again co-teach several clinics with GQ PICKLEBALL throughout the season. Cost: $30 pp / Class Size: 8 students max / Class Length: 90-minutes / Courts:TBA / Times: 10am to 11:30am & 12noon to 1:30pm (3.0 & 3.5 students only).
“Klinics with Kathy” Schedule for November/December 2024:
3.0 LEVEL = (WEDNESDAYS) – Nov. 13 & Dec. 11
(Two 90-minute sessions offered – 10am to 11:30am or 12noon to 1:30pm)
3.5 LEVEL = (THURSDAYS) – Nov. 21 & Dec. 19
(Two 90-minute sessions offered – 10am to 11:30am or 12noon to 1:30pm)
To book a private lesson (1 to 4 students max), you must contact Gary directly at GQPickleball@gmail.com or (206) 948-4457 for weekly availability and times. Choice of 60- or 90-minute lesson times. Monday through Fridays are subject to weekly availability dependent on Regular Lesson signups.
Insight from Gary Quantz – QCPC Player Development Instructor (November 2024)
While I was away on vacation in October, I got to experience what it was like to play pickleball on a Holland America cruise ship.

Decent paddles and balls were provided (although I noticed most of the players brought their own). Majority of the play involved novice to low intermediate level players but also a higher, more advanced group got together early on and played almost every morning. I only introduced myself as a fan of the game and made no mention of teaching classes at Quail Creek, rating level, etc. My priority was VACATION and out of the 16-day cruise, I only played three times. However, just as there are with every pickleball facility or location, there are those few hardcore players that can’t get enough of the sport. I have to mention one guy who walked around the ship almost every day, always clad in his pickleball garb, wearing his safety goggles, leggings, pickleball shoulder bag slung over his shoulder, always looking for people to play against!
The play onboard is truly unique. To start with, windy conditions at Quail Creek are NOTHING compared to what can happen while trying to play on the ship’s court. It is next to impossible to play when the ship is moving plus the court can move and sway depending upon sea conditions, which gives you an unreal, crazy sensation when moving about. The court was enclosed in netting and the surface was a hard rubberized (recycle tire-like) surface which I found extremely tough at first in hitting the ball off the bounce. Due to the conditions, it was also hard to rip your groundstrokes and keep them on the court. However, even with the factors involved, I found that playing cautiously, getting up quickly to the NVZ, and keeping the ball in play and on the court almost always produced a win. Land or Sea, this has and still is a good strategy to abide by!

Monthly Board Meeting
November 12th, 4:00pm
Silver Room of the Madera Clubhouse 2025 budget, dues, and capital fund fee to be discussed
Annual Membership Meeting
November 21st, 4:00pm
Mesquite/Ocotillo Meeting Rooms 2025 budget presentation; year-to-date Treasurer report; Committee reports; 2024 accomplishments

Volunteer Spotlight Social Committee
In December of 2021, Joyce Butler, the QCPC Social Committee Chair, asked Roxanne Housley if she would gather some pickleball friends and host a December Social. This was the first Social since Covid restrictions were lifted and everyone was very enthusiastic to help.
The team included Cindy Mueller, Mary Taylor, Wendy Turley, Madelyn Witt, Jill Eisele, Bobbi Jo Blythe, Susan Jones, Georgine Thomas, Susie Eckhart, and Ruth Maki. Susie and Ruth were instrumental in showing the team how to handle registrations and Madelyn was the perfect student who quickly became the trainer.
Following a very successful Elf on a Shelf Social, Joyce suggested Roxanne take over as Chair for her, and Roxanne has overseen many successful events since.

The current committee members include Cindy Mueller, Wendy Turley, Chris Reitz, Madelyn Witt, Mary Taylor, Tina Davis, Georgine Thomas, Yoyo Ehrementrout, Barb Ware, Tricia Kordalski, Suze Grass, Michelle Skoglund, Bill Foraker, and Roxanne Housley.
Every member brings a unique talent to the committee helping the Socials and other impromptu activities run smoothly. The committee also recognizes spouses who are often behind the scenes helping with set up and take down; even climbing ladders to decorate areas the committee cannot reach.

There are many important tasks for a successful Social: communications, reservations, registration, timekeeper, collecting money, decorating, shopping for prizes, purchasing food and drinks, music, raffle (when held), set up, clean up, and taking down decorations.
Sometimes the committee needs additional support, like the October Social with Debbie Schertzer Downes providing photos to be displayed on the TV screen. Behind the scenes, Paula Davis reserves courts and the Ramada and creates the event signup on CourtReserve.
One improvement to registration and ease for players was implemented by Madelyn Witt. She replaced the player boards with laminated cards showing each player’s number, along with every court for each game and whether the player serves or receives. The cards are returned to Madelyn after each Social for use the next time.

The committee tries to hold six Socials annually but this year there were cancellations due to inclement weather. With the new courts now open and our CourtReserve system, Paula can now automatically block courts for one week later in case of cancellation. As the number of players for each social has increased from 64 to 72 and there typically being a waitlist, this is very helpful.
This year two additional activities were planned – the 10th Anniversary Party and the New Courts Soft Opening. The committee also plans the annual Volunteer Appreciation event. Several times a year, committee members will drop by the courts with baked treats, fruit, and even charcuterie boards. The committee introduced the idea for Dink & Dine which became a social round robin.

The committee members enjoy dressing the part in SOCIAL shirts, elf costumes, referee shirts, bunny ears, etc. They have fun at the socials and want to make sure all attendees also have an enjoyable experience and want to play again.

After-School Pickleball Program at Continental School
The After-School Pickleball Program at Continental School is in need of volunteers to help teach 4th-8th grade students. Classes are held Thursdays from 2:45-4:45 until December 12th . There are currently 19 students enrolled. If interested, contact Lenny Friedman, USAP Ambassador, at lenny.pickleball@gmail.com.

Pickleball Rules
I often get asked questions about pickleball rules because I am the USA Pickleball Ambassador and have refereed many pickleball tournaments. During a recent round robin, I was asked about the ruling when a served pickleball hits the receiver who is standing out of bounds before it lands on the court. According to the 2024 USA Pickleball Official Rulebook:
4.N. Receiver Faults. It is a fault against the receiving team resulting in a point for the server if:
4.N.1. The receiver or their partner is touched by or interferes with the flight of the ball before it bounces.
I believe rules can be changed, in a social non-tournament game, if all players agree to change the USA Pickleball Official Rules and play by different rules for their enjoyment. Otherwise, I recommend that pickleball players should follow the rules as stated in the Official Pickleball Rulebook https://usapickleball.org/what-is-pickleball/official-rules/.
Lenny Friedman
USA Pickleball Ambassador Green Valley/Sahuarita, AZ
Arizona Pickleball Education Ambassador

Pickleball Safety Tips
(Also posted on CourtReserve under Member Resources)
Warm-up and Stretch
Before playing pickleball, it's crucial to warm up your muscles and stretch properly. Perform light aerobic exercises to increase blood flow and gradually warm up your body. Focus on stretching your arms, shoulders, legs, and back to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of strains or sprains.
Choose the Right Equipment
Selecting the appropriate equipment is vital for both safety and performance. Invest in a paddle that suits your skill level, playing style, and comfort. Consider its weight, grip size, and material. Opt for lightweight court shoes that provide good support and traction to prevent slips and falls on the court. Court shoes focus on lateral support and stability. Wearing a running shoe to play court sports can result in ankle rolls and injuries. If you are planning to participate in a pickleball tournament, then you will need an unaltered, USAPA-approved paddle for play.
Be Mindful of the Court Surface
Pickleball courts can vary in terms of surface materials. Some courts may have concrete, asphalt, or synthetic surfaces. Pay attention to the condition of the court and be cautious of any cracks or uneven spots and remove any loose materials that could cause tripping or accidents. Report any hazards to the appropriate authorities.
Communicate with Your Partner
Effective communication with your partner is essential during pickleball matches. Establish clear signals and use them to avoid collisions and confusion on the court. Maintain eye contact and establish a system for calling shots, whether it's verbal cues or specific hand signals. This will help prevent pickleball injuries, avoid accidental collisions and improve team coordination.
Stay Hydrated
Proper hydration is crucial for any physical activity, including pickleball. Drink water before, during, and after your matches to stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and decreased cognitive function, which can increase the risk of accidents on the court. Carry a water bottle and take regular sips to maintain optimal hydration.
Mind Your Footwork
Footwork plays a vital role in pickleball. Maintain proper balance and foot positioning to prevent falls and maintain stability during quick movements. Avoid taking excessively large strides, as it can increase the risk of losing control and cause unnecessary strain on your joints.
Backpedal With Care
Backpedaling is a common movement in pickleball when players are forced to move backward to retrieve high or deep shots. While backpedaling, it is crucial to maintain good balance and control to prevent falls and potential injuries. If time permits, turn around and run forwards rather than backpedaling.
Wear Eye Protection
Eye injury can happen at all levels on the court. Most eye injuries are preventable by wearing eye protection (i.e., sport or safety glasses) or sport sunglasses that are designed to withstand impact. Sports glasses tend to have a high-wrap for a secure, snug fit. Even a pair of sport glasses with lenses removed can prevent a ball from hitting your eye if the lens opening is smaller than a pickleball.
Beware of UV Rays
If you're playing pickleball outdoors, protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun. Apply sunscreen with a high SPF and reapply every two hours, after sweating or toweling off. Look for stick or zinc-based sunscreen for your face that won’t drip in your eyes while you play. Wear a hat to shade your face, and sunglasses to shield your eyes.
Know Your Limits
It's essential to know your physical limits and play within them. Overexertion and pushing beyond your capabilities can lead to fatigue, muscle strains, or other pickleball injuries. Take breaks if needed, listen to your body, and don't hesitate to stop playing or seek medical attention if you experience pain or discomfort.

Pickleball Etiquette
(Also posted on CourtReserve under Member Resources)
Ball on Court: If a ball comes onto your court from an adjacent court, stop play by calling “ball” and pick up the loose ball.
Calling the Score: Before serving the ball to your opponents, make sure the receiver is ready. Call out the score and identify your serve number so they know you are ready to serve. Pause a moment before serving to allow time to deal with any disagreement as to the proper score.
Line Calls: Line calls are the responsibility of the receiving side. You should not call faults, or other line calls, on the other side of the net unless asked to do so.
a. If you are on the receiving team and your partner calls a ball out that you think may have been in, tell your partner you disagree and attempt to resolve the disagreement between you.
b. If your team cannot agree on the line call, then the call goes in favor of your opponent. If an erroneous line call interferes with a player’s play, then the point should be replayed.
Music: Playing music on QC courts (except for Club-sponsored social events) is neither prohibited nor encouraged. However, members wishing to play music should be considerate of other Club members on the courts. Factors to consider include court location; speaker volume and placements; time of day; nearby lessons, drills or clinics; and other players and people in the vicinity.
Control Your Temper: Foul or abusive language, or unsportsmanlike gloating or laughing at an opponent’s mistake, is not allowed and may result in disciplinary action. Likewise, paddle or ball abuse is not permitted.
Disciplinary Proceedings: If abusive behavior is observed and not corrected acceptably, please notify any member of the QCPC Board of the identity of the offender and the circumstances of the offense. The Board has the authority to conduct disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the By-laws.
Please reference our Policy and Procedures Manual for all other compliance issues; found under ‘Board Info’ on our CourtReserve website.

Court Closure Schedule - Cleaning and Landscape
Posted on the small bulletin board at the upper courts