Welcome New Members!
Dan Laughlin
Pam Garcia
America Oujevolk
Susan Theobald

Monday Night Football Social
November 18th
QCPC invites members (significant others also welcome) to the new ramada and lower courts for a fun night of pickleball and NFL Football on November 18th. The Monday night game between the Houston Texans and Dallas Cowboys will be shown on the big TV. Courts will be reserved for Open Play pickleball (Women, Men, and Mixed) from 5:30-8:30 PM. The football game starts at 6:15 PM.
Whether you want to play, socialize with friends, or both, come on down and cheer for your favorite team. Bring your favorite beverages and snacks and perhaps a lawn chair to ensure seating for all.
See you at the game!
Due to the POA’s policy regarding electronically signed documents, the POA is requiring QCPC to obtain hand-signed waiver forms from all members who joined QCPC in the last year. QCPC must provide the signed forms to the POA as soon as possible.
If you first joined QCPC on or after December 1, 2023, you will receive an important email with instructions to complete and return the waiver forms required by the POA. Please respond by November 1, 2024.
QCPC will forward the completed waivers to the POA upon receipt. Regrettably, QCPC will be required to suspend club memberships for all members lacking waiver forms acceptable to the POA.
Thank you for your cooperation. We apologize for any inconvenience this requirement may cause.

Bus Trip to USA Pickleball Nationals Canceled
Unfortunately, there were not enough participants for the “Ultimate QCPC Pickleball Social” bus trip to Nationals on November 15th. So, with regret, the bus trip is canceled. If you previously contacted Frank Baker to get discounted event tickets, QCPC will issue you a check for the balance paid ($47 per person). Otherwise, QCPC will refund the full amount paid ($85 per person). If you have questions, please contact Frank Baker at frank1010baker@gmail.com.
Going On Your Own?
If you are interested in watching singles or doubles, 3.5 and under to the professional level, players ages 19-100, and wheelchair players compete for bronze, silver, and gold medals at Nationals in Mesa, AZ, November 9-17, check out the schedule at https://usapickleballnationals.com/schedule/.

After-School Pickleball Program at Continental School
The After-School Pickleball Program at Continental School is in need of volunteers to help teach 4th-8th grade students. Classes are held Thursdays from 2:45-4:45 until December 12th . There are currently 19 students enrolled. If interested, contact Lenny Friedman, USAP Ambassador, at lenny.pickleball@gmail.com.

Player Development Activities
Beginning November, all Player Development activities will be going live. These include:
Intro to Pickleball
2.0 Drills
2.0 Assisted Play
2.5 Assisted Play
3.0/3.5 Clinic
3.5 Advanced and 4.0 Advanced 2-Person Team Ladder Play
Pickleball Machine
GQ Clinics and Lessons
Information on each can be found under Member Pages/Player Development. You can sign up under Events.
PD Skills Video
One of the many fun things about pickleball is fire fights at the net. And they’re even more fun when you’re winning your share! To help with that, check out the video. Safety first. Always practice and play within your capabilities.
(This video is provided for informational purposes. QCPC does not endorse any product or service displayed or promoted.)

Fall Weather – Maybe
Cleaning out your closets in anticipation of fall/winter? Ladies, be sure to save your gently used Pickleball clothes that you no longer plan to wear. In March, the Social Committee will be collecting those clothes and will sell to members with
the proceeds going to charity. It will be a fun shopping opportunity with beverages and appetizers.

Upon my return, my new, 6-month season of classes start November 4th. If you truly want to learn about this game, improve your skills, and have FUN, please consider taking one of my classes. I am a certified PPI (Professional Pickleball Instructor) and have now taught over 400 different Quail Creek Club members since 2021.
Classes offered weekly / Levels: 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, & 3.5. Signup on COURT RESERVE (first come, first serve) Cost: $15 pp / Class Length: 90-minutes / Courts: TBA / Class Size: 8 students max / Times: 10am to 11:30am or 12noon to 1:30pm.
Regular Class Schedule for November & December 2024:
2.5 LEVEL = (MONDAYS) – Nov. 4, 11, 18, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 30
2.0 LEVEL = (TUESDAYS) – Nov. 5, 12, 19, Dec. 3, 10, 17
3.0 LEVEL = (WEDNESDAYS) – Nov. 6, 20, Dec. 4, 18 (FRIDAYS) – Nov. 15, Dec. 13
3.5 LEVEL = (THURSDAYS) – Nov. 7, 14, Dec. 5, 12, (FRIDAYS) – Nov. 22, Dec. 20
There will be weekly breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Kathy Palese (SNAP PICKLEBALL) will once again help out and co-teach several clinics with GQ PICKLEBALL throughout the season. Cost: $30 pp / Class Size: 10 students max / Class Length: 90-minutes / Courts: TBA / Times: 10am to 11:30am & 12noon to 1:30pm (3.0 & 3.5 students only). NEW! In November, we will have a question-and-answer session called “Court Side Chat”. A small portion of each 90-minute class will have the instructors entertain questions from the students regarding any pickleball topic they wish to discuss. Registered students will be asked to bring questions to class to share with instructors to help them with shot technique, equipment, game strategies, court positioning, fitness, or anything else related to pickleball.
“Clinics with Kathy” Schedule for November/December 2024:
· 3.0 LEVEL = (WEDNESDAYS) – Nov. 13 & Dec. 11
(Two 90-minute sessions offered – 10am to 11:30am or 12noon to 1:30pm)
· 3.5 LEVEL = (THURSDAYS) – Nov. 21 & Dec. 19
(Two 90-minute sessions offered – 10am to 11:30am or 12noon to 1:30pm)
To book a private lesson (max 4 students), you must contact Gary directly at GQPickleball@gmail.com or (206) 948-4457 for weekly availability and times. Choice of 60- or 90-minute lesson times. Monday through Thursdays are subject to weekly availability dependent on Regular Lesson signups.
· Cost – 60-minutes = 1 student/$20, 2 /$30, 3/$45, 4/$60
· Cost – 90-minutes = 1 student/$25, 2 /$40, 3/$60, 4/$80
Friday dates currently available:
· Friday, Nov. 8 – 10am to 11:30am
· Friday, Nov. 8 – 12noon to 1:30pm
· Friday, Nov. 15 – 12noon to 1:30pm
· Friday, Nov. 22 – 12noon to 1:30pm
· Friday, Nov. 29 – THANKSGIVING BREAK
· Friday, Dec. 6 – 10am to 11:30am
· Friday, Dec. 6 – 12noon to 1:30pm
· Friday, Dec. 13 – 12noon to 1:30pm
· Friday, Dec. 20 – 12noon to 1:30pm
· Friday, Dec. 27 – CHRISTMAS BREAK

Pickleball for Parkinson’s Study
On October 8th, ten Parkinson’s patients, their caregivers, and pickleball volunteers gathered at the Quail Creek Pickleball Courts for a session of the Intro to Pickleball for Parkinson’s study. Mary Riley, former teacher and coach, current personal trainer, pickleball addict, and Parkinson’s patient, talked about her diagnosis, treatments, and benefits from playing pickleball. She discussed the study being conducted by Creighton University, supported by a grant from the Pickleball Foundation through the New Mexico Arizona Pickleball Association. Parkinson’s patients in six communities, including Green Valley, can participate in the study.
For the study, participants will receive lessons from Lenny Friedman (creator of the Green Valley Pickleball for Parkinson’s program) and volunteers on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 am for one hour, until June 12, 2025. Participants will be evaluated at the beginning, middle, and end of the study with health questionnaires and senior fitness tests to measure their physical abilities. The study will also evaluate how participants are doing emotionally. Studies have shown Parkinson’s patients need movement and socialization to control, slow down, and possibly reverse symptoms, and pickleball provides both.
After the study’s background was presented, participants and volunteers went through some pickleball drills. For the study, participants will start with drills to warm up, a new concept will be taught each session, and the teachers follow lesson plans developed for Parkinson’s patients. Riley emphasized participants will drill the same way as any pickleball player but with an emphasis on multi-tasking to improve the body/brain connection. An example of multi-tasking was a footwork drill involving lunges to different positions in a circle, like a clock. But participants say the clock position out loud as they move to hit the ball. This body/brain connection has been shown to slow, and sometimes reverse, the progression of the disease. Volunteers will also provide extra physical support, when needed, for backup help and safety.
Quail Creek resident Lenny Friedman, Arizona Pickleball Education Ambassador, said he and members of the Parkinson’s Support Group of Green Valley continue to invite Parkinson’s patients to participate in the study. Laura McMurtry, coordinator of Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson’s and health and wellness personal trainer in the Quail Creek Anza Center, is excited about and supports the pickleball study. If the program is successful, the New Mexico Arizona Pickleball Association hopes to apply for a bigger grant next year so other communities can participate.
All Parkinson’s patients and their caregivers are invited to participate in the program even though it has already started. Contact Lenny Friedman at Lenny.pickleball@gmail.com for more information.

APPL (Arizona Pickleball Players League) Teams
Last Day for Team Registration is Saturday, Nov 9th
The Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) is already gearing up for the 2025 season. Thousands of Arizona pickleball players on hundreds of APPL teams participate every year for three months beginning in January. It’s fun and inexpensive. There are men’s, women’s, and mixed leagues in all skill levels. Quail Creek has fielded teams in the Southern Region for four years, and several have played in the State Championship.
Participation is voluntary. Teams must have a captain and both captains and team members must register with APPL this fall. Upon request, QCPC can reserve courts for Quail Creek APPL teams to practice and play matches if at least 60% of team members are QCPC members. The days, times, and courts available for APPL team use may be limited based on QCPC activities and other considerations. All teams planning to practice or play at Quail Creek must follow QCPC rules (guests, waiver forms, reservations, etc.). QC teams wishing to have courts reserved for them should contact the Scheduled Play Chairperson at least a month prior to the season.
See https://arizonapickleballplayersleague.org/ for more information. If you are new to APPL play, interested in starting a team, and still have questions, please contact Dave Mungo (djmungo@hotmail.com) no later than October.

Music on the Courts
Playing music on QC courts (except for Club-sponsored social events) is neither prohibited nor encouraged. However, members wishing to play music should be considerate of other Club members on the courts. Factors to consider include court location; speaker volume and placement; time of day; nearby lessons, drills, or clinics; and other players and people in the vicinity.

Pickleball Machine Rules
• Pickleball Machines may not be used during Prime Time. Exception: Members may use a Pickleball Machine during Prime Time on a first-come, first-served basis if a court remains vacant during Prime Time.
• Privately-owned Pickleball Machines may only be used on courts 1-16.
• A QCPC member that has completed the pickleball machine training may reserve the pickleball machine only one time per week (Sunday through Saturday). The only exception to the once-per-week rule is if there is an opening at 6 pm the day before, then that reservation is open to all members that have completed the pickleball machine training.
• Club members using the QCPC pickleball machine must comply with all training prerequisites, procedures, and rules applicable to the QCPC pickleball machine.
• The QCPC pickleball machine may not be used by QCPC members to offer others private lessons or drills for monetary compensation.

November Meetings
The next Board meeting will be held on November 12th at 4:00pm in the Silver Room of the Madera Clubhouse.
The next Membership meeting will be held on November 21st at 4:00pm in the Mesquite/Ocotillo Meeting Rooms.

November Court Cleaning
Thursday-Nov 7, 10AM-12:30PM, Courts 5-8 & 21-24
Thursday-Nov 14, 10AM-12:30PM, Courts 9-12 & 25-28
Thursday-Nov 21, 10AM-12:30PM, Courts 13-16 & 29-32
Thursday-Nov 28, No Cleaning, Thanksgiving
Fall Fest Social Video