Welcome New Members!
Kevin Cook
Richard Johnson
Heather Johnson
Nancy Wilkins
Gary Sleeper

The Pickleball Magazine Is Free Online
Go to Pickleball Magazine to access the September/October 2024 magazine.
There are some beneficial pickleball training instructions on pages 24 and 25.
Lenny Friedman
USA Pickleball Ambassador Green Valley/Sahuarita, AZ
Arizona Pickleball Education Ambassador
September is the month when the QCPC board members begin their terms.
These volunteers spend many hours making this club great for all members.
When you see them on the courts, tell them thanks!

Welcome New Board Members!
Thank you to the volunteers who will be helping the club as board members and chairs. We have many new members and current members in new positions. The QCPC Board includes: Dave Mungo (new President; replacing departing president), Frank Baker (new Vice President; replacing Dave Mungo), Ray Hayward (new Player Development Chair), Bobbi Jo Blythe (new Membership Chair; replacing departing membership chair), and Roxanne Housley (Social Committee). Other members include: Don Armour (Secretary), Paul Hackbert (Treasurer), Madelyn Witt (Scheduled Play), Shireen Kolarik (Communications), Dave Thomas (Court Maintenance), and Paula Davis (IT).
Thank You Departing Board Members!
As we welcome the new board, we also need to thank the departing volunteers who have been so important to QCPC: Doug Christy (former Membership Chair and President), Tina Davis (former Secretary), Michelle Skoglund (former Player Development Chair), Greg Dinnocenti (former Membership Chair), Rachael Cusick (former Communications Co-Chair), and Elizabeth Cornell (former Volunteer Coordinator). They served all QCPC members tirelessly and we are all better off for their service. Thank you so much!

Next Board Meeting
Sept 26, 4:00pm
Mesquite Room

Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) Teams
The Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) is already gearing up for the 2025 season. Thousands of Arizona pickleball players on hundreds of APPL teams participate every year for three months beginning in January. It’s fun and inexpensive. There are men’s, women’s, and mixed leagues in all skill levels. Quail Creek has fielded teams in the Southern Region for four years, and several have played in the State Championship.
Participation is voluntary. Teams must have a captain and both captains and team members must register with APPL this fall. Upon request, QCPC can reserve courts for Quail Creek APPL teams to practice and play matches if at least 60% of team members are QCPC members. The days, times, and courts available for APPL team use may be limited based on QCPC activities and other considerations. All teams planning to practice or play at Quail Creek must follow QCPC rules (guests, waiver forms, reservations, etc.). QC teams wishing to have courts reserved for them should contact the Scheduled Play Chairperson at least a month prior to the season.
See https://arizonapickleballplayersleague.org/ for more information. If you are new to APPL play, interested in starting a team, and still have questions, please contact Dave Mungo (djmungo@hotmail.com) no later than October.
QCPC is gearing up for the Fall season. Prime time will change Oct 1st to 8am-10am. Cooler weather and more pickleball players in town will also change how QCPC activities are scheduled.
Scheduled Play
Scheduled Play Volunteer Opportunities
The Quail Creek Pickleball Club relies on volunteers. Without them, we would not exist. We are always in need of more volunteers as there are many different opportunities to help.
Under the Scheduled Play umbrella, we currently have 2 levels of Open Play, Open Play 6-Game Round Robin (formerly Wednesday Open Play Round Robin), and 7 Organized Play events. It would be great to see new or previous events come back! We need individuals to step up and help organize to make this happen. Some suggested events: Skill Level Play (utilizing Pickleball ratings) and Winter League.
Have you experienced other events outside of QC? We want to hear suggestions you are willing to share and lead with your fellow players. We encourage any club member to petition the Board to evaluate additional Scheduled Play events. If you are interested in volunteering, please submit your petition to ScheduledPlayQCPC@gmail.com.
Scheduled Play Updates
(Click on image to open pdf document. You can also find the link on the CourtReserve Home page under Current Events and Reminders.)

Player Development
Your Player Development Team is looking forward to the start of the new season. A slew of dedicated volunteers and a contracted certified instructor are excited to help. They are ramping up some of your favorites, and adding some new offerings.
Below is a summary of Player Development offerings. You can get more information about these programs on CourtReserve. Look for the Player Development and Pickleball Machine tabs under the Member Pages tab.
Days, times, and courts for events will be posted under the Events tab when they become scheduled.
Beginning September 23
Interested in learning about the fastest growing sport in America? Want to know what it means to drive, drop and dink all while staying out of the kitchen? Or what in the heck is 0-0-2? Want to get exercise that is fun and meet great people?
Then check out the Intro classes headed up by Tom Dean.
You’re sure to have fun while learning in an environment that is respectful and that encourages positive social interaction.
Beginning in November
If you’ve completed your Intro and are ready to rumble, or you’re looking to brush up on your basic skills, then Kathy Vollink and her team are your next stop. You’ll build a strong foundation, learning about safety, footwork and basic shots, as well as beginning strategies, moving around the court and the all important communicating with your pickleball partner.

Beginning in November
Working on your beginner drills and just can’t get enough pickleball? Well, you’re not alone! Kathy will let you know when you are ready to tackle 2.0 Assisted Play.
Joyce Butler, Susie Eckhardt and their team will get you playing under the watchful eye of coaches who will provide guidance, instructions and a whole lot of fun.
Beginning in November
Once you’ve mastered the 2.0 skills and are ready for the next level, you return to a familiar face. Kathy and her team will help you improve your basic skills, with a special emphasis on playing with a partner and when to use the shots you’ve been honing.
3.0/3.5 CLINIC DAY
Beginning in October
You’ve had a lot of fun and put in a lot of work to reach the 3.0 and 3.5 levels, and you’re hooked, if not addicted. Michelle Skogland and her team of 4.0+ coaches will lead drills, provide instructions and play/mentor games that will feed your addiction.
Beginning in November
You and your doubles partner are looking to compete against comparable level teams. And, like all of us, you still can benefit from drills and some upper level coaching. Maybe even provide coaching and tips to others? Step on this ladder and see how high your game will take you and your partner, and just how good your team can get.
Always ready and waiting
Drilling - in addition to playing - is a great way to improve. Your club provides, at no charge, the perfect drilling partner. One who always places the ball just so. And who never gets angry or disappointed when your shots go awry. Naomi and Bill Giles will introduce you to this special partner.
Available in September; then restarting in November
In addition to the volunteers who run the show, your club also provides a certified pickleball instructor. Gary Quantz has the training, the skills and the encouraging demeanor needed to teach 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 level lessons. He offers clinics for these levels and special clinic focused on particular shots/strategies, as well as private lessons.

GQ Pickleball
(Gary Quantz Drills and Lessons)
September classes have been a great success! Thank You QCPC for allowing me to teach earlier during “Prime Time” hours so it’s not too hot out. So far, I’ve been averaging 20 students per week. There’s still time to sign up for a REGULAR DRILL CLASS or contact me to book a PRIVATE LESSON before I take a break next month. I will be gone the whole month of October so take advantage before I leave. My fourth season of classes begin in November and will run through the end of April 2025.
Currently, here is my remaining schedule before my break:
Max Class Size = 8 / Class Length = 90-minutes / Cost = $15 pp
(Sign up on COURT RESERVE) – Remaining Schedule:
· 2.5 LEVEL = (MON.) Sept. 16, 23, 30 @ 7:30am to 9am – Courts #13/14
· 3.5 LEVEL = (TUE.) Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1 @ 7:30am to 9am – Courts #13/14
· 3.0 LEVEL = (WED.) Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2 @ 7:30am to 9am – Courts #13/14
· 2.0 LEVEL = (THUR.) Sept. 19, 26 @ 7:30am to 9am – Courts #13/14
Max Class Size = 4 / Class Length = Select either 60 or 90-minutes
Cost = 60-minute class = $20 for 1 student, $30 for 2, $45 for 3 & $60 for 4
Cost = 90-minute class = $25 for 1 student, $40 for 2, $60 for 3 & $80 for 4
(Signups for Private Class – Contact Gary at gqpickleball@gmail.com or (206) 948-4457 weekly to reserve an available 60 or 90-minute class Mon. through Fri.
PRIVATE CLASS DATES/TIMES/COURT: Sept. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, Oct. 1, 2. All private classes held on Court #1 from 9am to 10:30am Monday through Friday and also (only on Fridays) on Court #13 from 7:30am to 9:00am
Sign up for a Regular Class or call for a Private Lesson appointment today!
(Click on image to open pdf document. You can also find the link on the CourtReserve Home page under Current Events and Reminders.)